Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Asparagus Steamer

Asparagus Steamer

What you'll save: $25-$40
You have to really love asparagus to invest in a special asparagus-sized pot with a wire insert that encourages your favorite veggie to stand up straight while it cooks. The rest of us will stick with cramming asparagus into a multi-purpose steamer basket, roasting it in the oven, or tossing it in a pan with some garlic and butter (yum)

Banana Slicer

Banana Slicer

What you'll save: $5
The hilarious reviews of the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer on Amazon are a testament to its utter uselessness and redundancy. Unless you have a thing for ultra-uniform banana slices, save your cash and use a knife. (See also: Hot dog slicers, strawberry slicers, avocado slicers ... basically, all special slicers.)

Bread Maker

Bread Maker

What you'll save: $50-$340
Your kitchen already has a built-in bread-making machine (Hint: it's called an oven). Try a quick bread or the now-famous no-knead bread recipe from Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery. The ingredients are basic, the technique is simple, and the result doesn't require a pricey, specialized machine the size of a small child.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
