Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Baby Food Maker

Baby Food Maker

What you'll save: $30-$120

Making homemade baby food can be cheaper than using store-bought, and you can be confident about what's going into your baby's mouth. But a new parent doesn't need another single-purpose appliance like the Baby Bullet taking up space and requiring special parts, cleaning, and repairs. A regular food processor is up to the task of pulverizing vegetables and fruit.

Presto Pizzazz Pizza Oven

Presto Pizzazz Pizza Oven

What you'll save: $35-$242

Though pizza-only countertop ovens claim to save energy and cook more evenly, these small appliances aren't that small, and they will take up a lot of cabinet or counter space for something you may use just once a week (unless you have a deep, unabiding love for DiGiorno). The beauty of the oven you already have? It bakes everything, including pizzas.

Omelet Maker

Omelet Maker

What you'll save: $20-$40

Most of us mere mortals make our omelets with a nonstick fry pan and a stove. Heck, some of us even enjoy waiting for that perfect moment to flip them. But if you're anti-flip (or anti-stove, or anti-pan), rejoice in the ridiculousness of a dedicated, plug-in omelet maker. Bonus: It will take you twice as long to make omelets now — and that's even after the thing is preheated.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
