Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

The world's largest sushi roll

Size: 1.5 miles long, featuring 1.5 tons of rice, 500 kg of cucumbers, 14,000 pieces of seaweed, and 25 kg of sesame Where: Yekaterinburg, Russia When: 2011 What is the world coming to when sushi joints spend all their time making rolls that run for miles? In order to complete this, 60 chefs worked for 15 hours rolling rice and seaweed. Check out a quick video of the event below: 

The world's biggest ice cream cake.

Size: 10.1 metric tons. 14 ft 7 in x 13 ft 3 in x 3 ft 3 in Where: Toronto, Canada When: 2011 Imagine being in graduate school and having a professor ask you to make the biggest ice-cream cake in the world and ensure that it doesn't collapse on itself or melt. Yeah, it seems like an odd situation, but that's exactly what happened at the University of Toronto. A class of students studying Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry were the masterminds behind this creation, which makes the pyramids of Giza look like child's play. (Not really...but it's pretty insane.)

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking.
