Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Cavelo, prawn and chorizo stir-fry

  • Serves: 2 - 3
  • Skill: easy
  • Cost: cheap
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Cooking: 10 min
  • Calories 270 kCal

Green vegetables need not be boring! Combine them with prawns and chorizo with this easy stir-fry recipe for a light family meal under 500 cals


  • 1 tbsp flaked almonds
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 120g packet ready-diced chorizo
  • 200g raw, peeled Indonesian prawns
  • About 100g Cavelo nero, cut into strips, or ready-shredded curly kale
  • 1 red and 1 yellow pepper, grilled and skinned (use ready roasted for speed, if you prefer), cut into strips
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Chunks of rustic bread, to serve


  1. Heat a wok or frying pan, add the nuts and cook them over a medium heat for 1-2 mins to brown. Tip out and set aside.
  2. Put the oil and chorizo in the pan and cook over a gentle heat for a min, then turn up the heat, add the prawns and fry for 1-2 mins on each side until lightly pink all over.
  3. Take them out with a draining spoon. Reheat the oil left in the pan, add the Cavelo nero or kale and pepper strips and stir-fry for 2-3 mins. Put the prawns and chorizo back in the pan and heat through. Season, sprinkle with almonds and balsamic vinegar. Serve stir-fry with bread.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
